martes, 12 de enero de 2021

Some pots.

The poem is an expression with broad pedagogical advantages, for its realization it requires superior thinking skills, abstraction and synthesis as an exercise for our students, achieving in them the appropriate use of language, awareness and achievement of expected learning, the purpose The last one that transcends the pedagogical philosophy is that the student adopts this teaching to transmit and communicate feelings, stories, memories, emotions.

In the following poem, written in April 2013, the author uses an object as an excuse for communication, an object that evokes memory and allows him to communicate his feelings. 

Poem The vessels 
Author: Alan Salmerón 

They will be a museum ornament. 
 - Yes, there it is. In that corridor of the roofed house, 
 In that adobe house plastered with cement, lime and plaster.

How old will it be? 
 - Of eternal colors, with healing properties. 
 Reassuring, inhale... 

 How much beauty?
- Earthy streets ... 
 Dull, yellow, translucent, weak lights.

I remember sitting there watching my grandmother knit. 
 - With fresh air. 
 Other times, different. 
 Sin worries. 

 Accompanied by oneself and in the mind ... reflective thoughts. 
 - Wise. 
 Quiet, timeless.

Photo: Taxco de Alarcón; Guerrero 2018

1 comentario:

Guerrerenses destacados en la Educación

Nicolás Bravo Rueda: Destacado maestro y político guerrerense. Fue un defensor de la educación pública y contribuyó al desarrollo de la edu...