viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

The consulting education Alan Salmerón Nieves

Twitter: @Alan_Salmeron 
The consulting 
1.- Written recommendations with administrative, legal and pedagogical focus. 
2.- Institutional actions: 
A.- Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
 B.- General Law on the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents. 
C.- Federal Law of Workers in the Service of the State. 
D.- General Law of Education. 
E.-General Law of Administrative Responsibilities.
 F.-Protocol for the Care and Prevention of Sexual Violence in the Schools of Initial, Basic and Special Education in Mexico City. 
G.- Framework for School Coexistence.
 H.- Integral Model for Coexistence in Initial, Basic and Special Education in Mexico City.
 I.- Operational Guide for the Organization and Functioning of the Initial, Basic, Special and Adult Education Services of Public Schools in Mexico City. 
J.-Agreement Number 96, which establishes the Organization and Operation of Elementary Schools. 
K.-Regulation of the General Conditions of Work of the Personnel of the Secretary of Public Education.
 L.- How insurance should work: Institutional Insurance and "Atlas Insurance" 
3.- Administrative Support. (Compliance with Minimum Normality) 
4.- Pedagogical backups. (Classroom visits, planning review) 
5.- Legal and legislative backups. (Compliance with current regulations) 
6.- Institutional Support. (Compliance with the 4 priorities of the National Education System)
 7.-The correct use of the attendance book or registration system in physical and electronic. 
8.-The book corresponding to Minutes of Technical School Council in physical and electronic 
9.-Personnel file of the personnel in charge. 
10.-Route of School Improvement in physical and electronic 
11.-Documentation all the students in the administrative (records) 
12.- Documentation for all the students in the pedagogical (exams, portfolio assessment instruments, rubrics). 
13.-Book of Proceedings of School Council of Social Participation in physical and electronic 14.-Updated Parents' Association Record Books. 
15.-Planning of daily teachers and curricular autonomy. 
16.- Curricular adaptations, flexibility and observations in the teaching practice. 
17.-Administrative logistics of the operation of the school (schedule, organizational chart, mailbox, structural safety record) 
18.-Legal logistic of the operation of the school (use of land, legal possession, territorial plan of the property)

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