sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

The teaching of history.

History can not be isolated from other subjects, its attention requires the support of several of them, therefore, its relationship with geography, Spanish, civic and ethics, long before the 1993 reform, was studied with the exception of Spanish, the history within the area of ​​social sciences in an integrated but separatist methodology, now the linkage and feedback of subjects in a variety of topics is retaken, this has helped interdisciplinarity, incorporating themes that range from its development to transversality

To speak of history as of other sciences in these times is to know as much of its branches, as of its disciplinary connections, for the teacher of the 21st century, the challenge is exhausting, because the process of its development as quality and productivity have an orientation directly proportional to the depth of the subject, which facilitates the student's understanding, its parallelism with some other historical event, its understanding and reflection of the causes and consequences of it, and mainly its permanence and change in the experiential aspect.

Therefore the union of several subjects to understand a problematic situation, is benefactor to the methodology, produces in the students, the interest, the motivation and the orientation of their opinions, also that potentializes their autonomy in the learning, thanks to this advantage that provides interdisciplinarity by the ability to cover several of the contents that help to realize the maxim of the teaching of history "historical awareness" while for the teacher to perform this function is truly required of a knowledge of the general culture of humanity , of its culture and of the society in which its source of work is immersed.

Thus, it will be able to provide ethical traits and thoughts that jump on the student as lights that prop up ideas, help formulate hypotheses, create theories and even come to make personal judgments about some passages of history, whether local, national or global.

For several of us, the function of knowing the plans and programs, not only of your level of attention, but also of others and of other educational levels, becomes very important since the idea of ​​attending to the expected learning is diversified and extended to the coverage of the same, to achieve not only the objectives of subject, or grade, if not the communion in the profile of graduation, in this way the teacher has to resort to two of the main functions to plan and make a class:

1.- Know plans and programs to be able to link subjects and subjects.
2.- Know topics and deepen them as much as possible to generate in the students qualities described above.

History is a discipline that far from the separation of its contents are expressed in the connection with the subjects by experimentation not only of methodologies, but also of methods that corroborate the learning and facilitation for the students, as in the case of:

    Scientific method.
    Investigation methodology,
    Reading comprehension.
•       Temporality.
•       Values ​​and attitudes.

To the previous ones if they are analyzed carefully it seems that it corresponds to other disciplines, however, there is the process of interdisciplinarity for the development of a good teaching practice.

What are the purposes attributed to Education in Mexico?

The purposes are specified in the vision and goals, supported by the objectives and purposes of each educational action.

The purposes are often confused with the philosophical principles, however, they help the teaching-learning process, contributing to the bottom of them which can be listed in a pedagogical way:

1.- It is a purpose of education to develop the intellectual abilities of individuals. Know to know .
2.- Potentiate the human faculties of knowledge, procedures and attitudes of learning through schooling.
3.- Support the autonomous development of students, what is called learning to learn.

Observing from a more operative and regulated point of view, the three profiles of basic education are shown, which are concentrated in the completion of each basic level.

In a simpler way we can say not to confuse purposes and principles that the purposes are concentrated in the didactic (plans, objectives, purposes, learning, evaluations).

And the principles in the philosophies (equity, equality, rights, opportunity, opening, coverage, etc.)

The philosophical and legal principles are those found in the Magna Carta constitutional third article, which indicate:

• Everyone has the right to receive education. the state will teach preschool, elementary, middle and high school

• The education provided by the state tends to develop harmoniously all the faculties of the human being and promote in him, at the same time, the love of the country, respect for human rights and the awareness of international solidarity, in independence and in justice.

• The state will guarantee quality in compulsory education so that educational materials and methods, school organization, educational infrastructure and the suitability of teachers and managers guarantee the maximum learning achievement of the students.

• Freedom of belief is guaranteed by article 24, such education will be secular and, therefore, it will remain completely foreign to any religious doctrine;

• It will be democratic, considering democracy not only as a legal structure and a political regime, but as a system of life based on the constant economic, social and cultural improvement of the people;

• Contribute to the best human coexistence, in order to strengthen the appreciation and respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of the person, the integrity of the family, the conviction of the general interest of society, the ideals of fraternity and equal rights of all, avoiding the privileges of races, of religion, of groups, of sexes or of individuals.

• It will be of quality, based on the constant improvement and the maximum academic achievement of the students; Supporting these are the following documents that specify the modes of operation and guide this development as a guide:

a) General Law of Education.
b) Plans and Study Programs by level and subject.
c) Legal Agreements (592, 444, 648 etc.)
d) Union Agreements (modernization of education, educational decentralization, SINADEP, etc.)

[1] http://www.sev.gob.mx/educacion-secundaria/2011/11/16/finalidades-de-la-educacion-basica-2/
[1] https://www.uv.mx/dgdaie/files/2012/11/CPP-DC-Delors-Los-cuatro-pilares.pdf
[1] http://www.ordenjuridico.gob.mx/Constitucion/articulos/3.pdf

[1] http://www.sep.gob.mx/es/sep1/Del_401_al_450?page=4#.WdfF5lvWw4g
[1] http://www.sinadep.org.mx/

What is mathematical thinking and its importance in the development of competences?

Mathematical thinking can be considered as a set of logical, numerical, geometric and abstract capabilities that allow the reasoning of the human being and this in turn interacted with its contextual environment, to be called special, to the treatment of information, this mathematical thought it becomes a competition.

It requires cognitive development through real contextual practices.

Fortunately, the human being within its evolutionary development has had the ability to spatially and temporally locate its environment, however, the growth of civilization and, therefore, of cognitive progress has led to the development of other mathematical areas, which essentially require thought mathematician, thus making it the indispensable tool for understanding, the role of today in basic education is quite coarse and important, for students the relevance of their real situations is very important in order to promote the interaction of their abilities.

Within this process we find in the student the need to make a mark for his preparation to the future, for the purpose of improving the human condition, based on the mathematical understanding that implies the use of it, for the technological, scientific and investigative advance, due to the increasingly frequent and serious changes of our planet to be part of this reality is to have a vision and prospective that mathematical thought is a competence of incalculable interest for the solution of the coming problems, adding clearly that it is, one of the conditions bases for LEARNING TO LEARN.

Today the exit profile bets on its development and the natural interests of the human condition will lead to its application, but we must take into account that the teacher is the intellectual educator of this event since in the classroom you can reflect, explore, modify and improve your way of thinking, perception, analysis, criteria, logic with the daily events of your life, forging in the student the four pillars of education.

[1] http://www.grupomayeutica.com/documentos/desarrollomatematico.pdf
[1] http://competenciasbasicascordoba.webnode.es/aprender-a-aprender/
[1] http://www.dgespe.sep.gob.mx/planes/les/perfil_egreso

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Earth and freedom.

Earth and freedom. 

The first and last reason for his rebellion. 

The earth is the mother that maintains and takes care of us. 

The earth is the origin and destiny. 

It is the mother who keeps the mystery of time. 

is the one that transforms the dead woman into life, 

the eternal house of the ancestors, 

the mystery of time 

nourishes, maintains, provides, shelters, secures, regenerates, 

comfort ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSqpQJWrfmc Realización: Mario Diez de Urdanivia Investigación: Edgar Rojano García Año: 1999

Justo Sierra main contributions:

The one on the Education of women, patent of the female labor schools,

Sierra's words: "The inferiority of women is a legend that has ended a long time ago".

The Proclaimed Laws

Law of Primary Education of 1908

Article 1 "The official primary schools will be essentially educational, the instruction will be considered only as a means of education"

The aim is to integrate the Mexican and the liberal and progressive man of Mexico, starting by developing in his students the love, the Mexican homeland, the fidelity to his intrusions and the enthusiastic consecration to the company of the progress of the Nation and the improvement of their habitants

The Primara School is mentioned Neutral of any religion, because as Justo Sierra states "There is no conflict between science and religion and in this we do nothing but conform ourselves to what the church does everywhere: in its schools, in its universities , in which they teach entire science without sparing any of its truths without omitting any demonstration. "

Compulsory education is reflected as one of the roughest issues pronouncing it is dead letter.

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018


1. Development includes the totality of processes that lead to the development of the organism, as a function of time.

2. Maturation is governed by the set of genetically determined processes and therefore has an inexorable course

3. What we call maturation, comprises the growth that is the quantitative increase, but also involves certain qualitative changes that can be noticed in different individual areas.

4. Learning depends on the interaction of the organism with its environment and leads to successive reorganizations of behavior.

5. The set of factors of the environment that gravitate on the individual includes not only the nutritional and social aspects but also the cultural, emotional and quantity and quality of stimuli in general on the subject.

6. Simple maturational delays are expressed in a delay in the achievement of certain maturational goals that according to the known chronological estimates can be expected at a certain age.

7. The injuries of the left cerebral hemisphere give alterations to the language.

8. Lateness is the name of the phenomenon whereby an organism with even organs carrying out certain afferent or efferent activities is done better with one side than with another.

9. Dominance is a phenomenon of the central nervous system (cerebral hemispheres), whereby a hemisphere plays the main role in the coordination of a special function.

10. The most complex tests that are difficult to come close to the reality, damage and need that the child lives in the process of maturation and learning.



Daniel Goleman (1995), presents the facets on intelligence and emotions, an indispensable and indisputable factor to achieve success in life, in reading you can discover the following points:

The IC contributes approximately 20% to the factors that determine success in life, with which 80% remains for other forces.

 The brightest people can sink into the dangers of unbridled passions and countless impulses. People with high IQ can be incredibly bad pilots of their private lives.
Academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life

"For the most part, the place one definitely occupies in society is determined by factors unrelated to IQ from social class to luck."

Other characteristics: of the emotional intelligence are the skills such as:

v Being able to motivate and persist in the face of disappointments
v Control the momentum and delay the regular gratification of humor
v Prevent disorders from decreasing
v The ability to think,
v The ability to show
v The capacity for empathy
v The ability to harbor hopes.

"The skills of childhood like being able to face disappointments, control emotions and get along with other people, were the ones that made the biggest difference."

2 of the 8 intelligences:

Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand others that motivates them as they operate as they work cooperatively with them, sellers, politicians, teachers, clinicians and successful religious leaders are likely to be individuals with a high degree of interpersonal intelligence,

Intrapersonal Intelligence is a correlative capacity turned inward. It is the ability to form a precise and realistic model of oneself and be able to use that model to operate effectively in life.

Personal or emotional intelligence is divided into 5:

1. Recognize emotions of others
2. Manage relationships
3. Know your own emotions
4. The motivation itself
5. Handles emotions


1. The lack of attention to the needs of special learning and the economic situation of the educated could be the main causes of school dropout.

2. The learning process of reading can be affected by various factors, such as lack of sensory integrity, unlimited intellectual capacity, cultural deprivation, lack of motivation, emotional instability, inadequate teaching, brain damage and specific problems of learning.

3. The management of a traditional and rigid methodology, which does not stimulate visual and auditory memory, could block the development of children with special educational needs.

4. The economic environment and the results of the standardized tests show that the child with less access to regular books and communication, with greater difficulty, manages a more fluid and coherent vocabulary and writing.

5. There are three types of laterality.  
1 constant  
2 mixed
3 dexterity or manual left-handedness.

6. Students with special educational needs are shunned from the programs due to lack of suitable methodologies of the teachers. 

7. In rural communities the child with special educational needs is a burden on the community in general.

"Diagnosis Attention deficit with hyperactivity formal printer"

To diagnose, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), you can use a San Buenaventura questionnaire, The diagnosis of a specialist, such as a psychologist, could consist of 6 steps such as the following: Interview with the adults in charge of the child.

1. An evaluation of cognitive functions.

2. A general interview of the child's medical and neurological status.

3. An evaluation of the child's academic logical abilities.

4. The use of scriptures addressed to the TDA for parents and teachers.

5. School reports.

To show more clearly any of the tests can be divided into two types: • Berkeley Questionnaire for Home situations • Questionnaire for situations in the School.

It is also very helpful to use a scale to assess the IQ, and assess the learning problems, each of them directly influences the students of ADD, pus manifest being inside or outside a context of interest.

For each educational level, Preschool, Primary and Secondary, Higher and higher media, specialized tests are used according to the cognitive level of the students.



When knowledge is logically necessary and universally valid.
When a thing has to be, as it is, and it could not be otherwise, in any temporality and in any place.
Cicerón and Wolff
All knowledge is a reminder of its existence before the earthly.

A reminiscence of something previously known in another life.
Knowledge comes from Nus, the universal spirit or the cosmos, who brings enlightenment to being..

Enlightenment is the rational part of our soul and is illuminated from above
San Agustin,

It is a form of rational intuition of the absolute.

Contemplation of the absolute in its creative activity, the Absolute Being is a source of knowledge.
Gioberti Malebranche
Experience is the watershed of new knowledge.

Nothing exists in the understanding that has not been before in the senses, except the same understanding.
Knowledge comes from the experience of direct contact with reality.

Perception, propitiates the evolution of thought.
David Hume
John Stuart Mill

For the creation of knowledge you need the sensation
The soul can only experience sensations all the other faculties come from it.
Saint Thomas of Aquino


The union between reason and praxis, the substance between logic and experience.
It defines the rational knowledge derived from empiricism. Experience and thought together form the basis of human knowledge.

Concepts are forms of knowledge and their content is received from preconceived (understandable) ideas.

It is defined that the rational is derived from thought and with the help of empirical matter knowledge is assimilated.
All knowledge comes from an idea conceived before, that is to say related to the other, without needing to have experience about the same knowledge since rationally it is understandable and a new knowledge is deduced as a correlation

Emmanuel Kant

Hessen J. (2003). "Origin of knowledge and essence of knowledge" in Theory of Knowledge. 2nd. Edition. Mexico: UNAM, pp. 73-138.

25 Poems and a visit

Poem: 3 You win. (Fragment) 

... Waiting for my nothing, 
seeing the emptiness 
longing for the past 
with the dark future. 
 And with nothing. 

Those desires have returned, 
come back as monthly moons, 
autumn cold 
annual months.


Excerpt from: "Repercussions of social change on the personality of teachers"

Excerpt from: "Repercussions of social change on the personality of teachers" First stage:

First stage:
In the new school you need the energy and innovation of the Rookies, because immediately as they are in front of a group they become natural leaders, the students follow them and admire them more than in any other stage, because that is when he Master. they behave as a student, we put as an example the practicing teachers and teachers with less than 5 years who come to found schools, implement new methodologies, design strategies, dare to develop dynamic classes, etc., society recognizes them and students they proclaim them as teacher friends. 

Second stage:
You need teachers guides, consolidate experience, they are direct, they dominate contents and teaching-learning processes, they can share, experiences, knowledge, successes and mistakes, with the teachers themselves, they know how to expand their needs and they can solve, propose and are astute in their classes, they could be directors or promoters of some governmental program, the experience and prestige already gained by excellence is what supports their work. 

Third stage:
Encourage by means of hierarchical stimuli teachers who begin to fall into discouragement, in traditionalism, get bored of the monotony and / or repeat processes, it seems that there is no change, generations repeat learning problems and public policy seem obsolete , for this it is necessary to change the dynamics, in this sense we would find positions of supervisors and heads of sector, to turn them into newbies again, to stimulate the motivation, the imaginary, the challenges and the change of paradigm, explayando its experience and trajectory to the degree to potentiate their strengths in benefit of the Educational System. 

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018

La misión de las universidades.

Las universidades como institución social tienen que cumplir con las premisas:

1.- Crear procesos "enseñar".
2.- Crear ciencia y tecnología "investigar"
3.- Crear medios de comunicación "Difundir".
Dra. Imma Tubella

Próximo libro... Una novela

  Fragmento de la novela que estoy trabajando.  Tomé mi saco preferido, un sport dover, el color blanco siempre me ha sentado bien, con un j...