sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

What is mathematical thinking and its importance in the development of competences?

Mathematical thinking can be considered as a set of logical, numerical, geometric and abstract capabilities that allow the reasoning of the human being and this in turn interacted with its contextual environment, to be called special, to the treatment of information, this mathematical thought it becomes a competition.

It requires cognitive development through real contextual practices.

Fortunately, the human being within its evolutionary development has had the ability to spatially and temporally locate its environment, however, the growth of civilization and, therefore, of cognitive progress has led to the development of other mathematical areas, which essentially require thought mathematician, thus making it the indispensable tool for understanding, the role of today in basic education is quite coarse and important, for students the relevance of their real situations is very important in order to promote the interaction of their abilities.

Within this process we find in the student the need to make a mark for his preparation to the future, for the purpose of improving the human condition, based on the mathematical understanding that implies the use of it, for the technological, scientific and investigative advance, due to the increasingly frequent and serious changes of our planet to be part of this reality is to have a vision and prospective that mathematical thought is a competence of incalculable interest for the solution of the coming problems, adding clearly that it is, one of the conditions bases for LEARNING TO LEARN.

Today the exit profile bets on its development and the natural interests of the human condition will lead to its application, but we must take into account that the teacher is the intellectual educator of this event since in the classroom you can reflect, explore, modify and improve your way of thinking, perception, analysis, criteria, logic with the daily events of your life, forging in the student the four pillars of education.

[1] http://www.grupomayeutica.com/documentos/desarrollomatematico.pdf
[1] http://competenciasbasicascordoba.webnode.es/aprender-a-aprender/
[1] http://www.dgespe.sep.gob.mx/planes/les/perfil_egreso

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