sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

What are the purposes attributed to Education in Mexico?

The purposes are specified in the vision and goals, supported by the objectives and purposes of each educational action.

The purposes are often confused with the philosophical principles, however, they help the teaching-learning process, contributing to the bottom of them which can be listed in a pedagogical way:

1.- It is a purpose of education to develop the intellectual abilities of individuals. Know to know .
2.- Potentiate the human faculties of knowledge, procedures and attitudes of learning through schooling.
3.- Support the autonomous development of students, what is called learning to learn.

Observing from a more operative and regulated point of view, the three profiles of basic education are shown, which are concentrated in the completion of each basic level.

In a simpler way we can say not to confuse purposes and principles that the purposes are concentrated in the didactic (plans, objectives, purposes, learning, evaluations).

And the principles in the philosophies (equity, equality, rights, opportunity, opening, coverage, etc.)

The philosophical and legal principles are those found in the Magna Carta constitutional third article, which indicate:

• Everyone has the right to receive education. the state will teach preschool, elementary, middle and high school

• The education provided by the state tends to develop harmoniously all the faculties of the human being and promote in him, at the same time, the love of the country, respect for human rights and the awareness of international solidarity, in independence and in justice.

• The state will guarantee quality in compulsory education so that educational materials and methods, school organization, educational infrastructure and the suitability of teachers and managers guarantee the maximum learning achievement of the students.

• Freedom of belief is guaranteed by article 24, such education will be secular and, therefore, it will remain completely foreign to any religious doctrine;

• It will be democratic, considering democracy not only as a legal structure and a political regime, but as a system of life based on the constant economic, social and cultural improvement of the people;

• Contribute to the best human coexistence, in order to strengthen the appreciation and respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of the person, the integrity of the family, the conviction of the general interest of society, the ideals of fraternity and equal rights of all, avoiding the privileges of races, of religion, of groups, of sexes or of individuals.

• It will be of quality, based on the constant improvement and the maximum academic achievement of the students; Supporting these are the following documents that specify the modes of operation and guide this development as a guide:

a) General Law of Education.
b) Plans and Study Programs by level and subject.
c) Legal Agreements (592, 444, 648 etc.)
d) Union Agreements (modernization of education, educational decentralization, SINADEP, etc.)

[1] http://www.sev.gob.mx/educacion-secundaria/2011/11/16/finalidades-de-la-educacion-basica-2/
[1] https://www.uv.mx/dgdaie/files/2012/11/CPP-DC-Delors-Los-cuatro-pilares.pdf
[1] http://www.ordenjuridico.gob.mx/Constitucion/articulos/3.pdf

[1] http://www.sep.gob.mx/es/sep1/Del_401_al_450?page=4#.WdfF5lvWw4g
[1] http://www.sinadep.org.mx/

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