jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018


Daniel Goleman (1995), presents the facets on intelligence and emotions, an indispensable and indisputable factor to achieve success in life, in reading you can discover the following points:

The IC contributes approximately 20% to the factors that determine success in life, with which 80% remains for other forces.

 The brightest people can sink into the dangers of unbridled passions and countless impulses. People with high IQ can be incredibly bad pilots of their private lives.
Academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life

"For the most part, the place one definitely occupies in society is determined by factors unrelated to IQ from social class to luck."

Other characteristics: of the emotional intelligence are the skills such as:

v Being able to motivate and persist in the face of disappointments
v Control the momentum and delay the regular gratification of humor
v Prevent disorders from decreasing
v The ability to think,
v The ability to show
v The capacity for empathy
v The ability to harbor hopes.

"The skills of childhood like being able to face disappointments, control emotions and get along with other people, were the ones that made the biggest difference."

2 of the 8 intelligences:

Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand others that motivates them as they operate as they work cooperatively with them, sellers, politicians, teachers, clinicians and successful religious leaders are likely to be individuals with a high degree of interpersonal intelligence,

Intrapersonal Intelligence is a correlative capacity turned inward. It is the ability to form a precise and realistic model of oneself and be able to use that model to operate effectively in life.

Personal or emotional intelligence is divided into 5:

1. Recognize emotions of others
2. Manage relationships
3. Know your own emotions
4. The motivation itself
5. Handles emotions

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