jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018

Excerpt from: "Repercussions of social change on the personality of teachers"

Excerpt from: "Repercussions of social change on the personality of teachers" First stage:

First stage:
In the new school you need the energy and innovation of the Rookies, because immediately as they are in front of a group they become natural leaders, the students follow them and admire them more than in any other stage, because that is when he Master. they behave as a student, we put as an example the practicing teachers and teachers with less than 5 years who come to found schools, implement new methodologies, design strategies, dare to develop dynamic classes, etc., society recognizes them and students they proclaim them as teacher friends. 

Second stage:
You need teachers guides, consolidate experience, they are direct, they dominate contents and teaching-learning processes, they can share, experiences, knowledge, successes and mistakes, with the teachers themselves, they know how to expand their needs and they can solve, propose and are astute in their classes, they could be directors or promoters of some governmental program, the experience and prestige already gained by excellence is what supports their work. 

Third stage:
Encourage by means of hierarchical stimuli teachers who begin to fall into discouragement, in traditionalism, get bored of the monotony and / or repeat processes, it seems that there is no change, generations repeat learning problems and public policy seem obsolete , for this it is necessary to change the dynamics, in this sense we would find positions of supervisors and heads of sector, to turn them into newbies again, to stimulate the motivation, the imaginary, the challenges and the change of paradigm, explayando its experience and trajectory to the degree to potentiate their strengths in benefit of the Educational System. 

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